by Property Reimagined | Jan 7, 2023 | Styling Tips, Vignettes
I’ve often talked about grouping items with a common theme, or the same item in different sizes etc. Sometimes, though, you want a little more variety in your items. It’s a fine art to take a group of contrasting items and make them work in a space. So...
by Property Reimagined | Nov 19, 2022 | Cushions & Manchester, Styling Tips
There’s no doubt that over the last couple of years more of us have needed to find ways to better utilise the spaces in our home. This can be something of a challenge in the bedroom. If you need to have a desk in your bedroom, then you don’t want to have a...
by Property Reimagined | Feb 19, 2022 | Cushions & Manchester, Styling Tips
If you’re styling your bed, there’s a huge range of throws to choose from, including all kinds of colours and textures. But what if you have a particular piece of material that you’d like to have out on display as a throw that looks a little bit...
by Property Reimagined | Feb 13, 2022 | Colour That Pops, Styling Tips
I’ve discussed a number of different colour schemes you can use in your styling in the past, such as Analagous and Complementary. This time, let’s look at using a triadic colour scheme (sometimes referred to as a triad scheme). Sounds a bit scary, right?...
by Property Reimagined | Jan 29, 2022 | Styling Tips
In earlier posts I’ve shared some tips on thinking about the purpose, size and location of your rug. Now it’s time to think about design. One of the first questions you need to ask is whether you want the design of your rug to blend in and harmonise with...
by Property Reimagined | Nov 21, 2021 | Styling Tips
Last time, we looked at choosing the right rug based on the purpose it needed to serve in your interior styling. Now we’re moving on to the more practical elements of choosing and using rugs – their size and location. If you have a large, open space, then...