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Monochromatic colour schemes have been the darlings of the design world for a while now, but some people want something a little warmer and friendlier for their spaces. Welcome back cream and ivory!

Depending on how old you are, you may remember the era when the colour cream dominated, and not always in a good way.

But cream can range from the merest off-white, which is where ivory tends to sit in the range, through to something approaching yellow.

It was the stronger tones that were more in favour in the past, whereas the latest trend is for something a little less dominant in the colour scheme of your space.

While greys and whites often sit on the cool side of colour choices, cream brings a sense of warmth and calm to a space.

It’s also a marvellous choice if you’re wanting to bring a quiet sense of history to a room, particularly when paired with more historic colours.

But don’t be fooled into thinking that cream can’t look modern too. Use it with a dramatic trim in black, and you’ll be surprised to find it looks very modern, almost edgy.

Cream or ivory also work well for an accent piece, such as a cushion, against a darker background.

However you choose to use it, it’s a wonderful base to use with a large range of warm colour schemes, so its return to modern colour choices is a welcome change from the recent trend for colder colours.