When it comes to interior design, colour use is incredibly important – but also very subjective. A colour that evokes a positive response in one person, may create a completely opposite response in another. However, despite individual differences, knowing what type of reaction a particular colour causes in a majority of people can make it easier to decide what colours to use in your styling.

Red is a colour that captures attention. For many, red is the colour of love and passion. It’s hardly surprising that Christian has a “Red Room” in 50 Shades of Grey. Somehow it just wouldn’t have given off the same vibe if it had been the lavender room. However red can also convey anger, danger, and action.
It’s no coincidence that “order now” buttons on websites are often red. Red packaging stands out on a shelf. This tells you that red is a very dominating colour, and so is often best used sparingly, more to add a pop of colour or draw attention to one particular element, as too much can be overwhelming.

Another aspect to consider is that red is considered a lucky colour in the Chinese culture, and is one of the most popular colours used in homes and decorating. If you’re styling a home for a Chinese target market, be aware of its significance and use it accordingly.
Altogether, red is one of the most interesting colours to use for interior design, given its wide range of meanings. Added to that, brighter versions are often energetic, whilst darker shades feel powerful and elegant, so it can bring a huge range of nuances to a room. As a minimum, it can bring an exciting pop of energy to an otherwise dull room.