For a long time white has been viewed mostly as a background colour. It’s a neutral backdrop that allows other colours to be highlighted. It’s regarded as clean and simple, and is a staple colour of minimalist and Hamptons design.
In terms of meaning, white is associated with purity, virtue and cleanliness – hence it being a popular choice for brides on their wedding day. It’s the colour of angels. On the flip side, it can often be considered a sterile colour, due to its association with doctors, nurses and dentists.

In many cultures, however, it’s associated with death and mourning. For example, in India, widows are only allowed to wear white. So keep your target demographic in mind if you plan to use it in your styling.
Because it works so well with almost any colour, white can be used to give a feeling of winter, due to its association with snow and ice. Pair it with bright blues, however, and all of a sudden it’s a bright summer’s day by the beach.

This ability to have many different moods means you need to be careful when you use white in your interior decorating. It can make certain spaces feel cold and uninviting, so it’s really important to consider exactly what shade of white to use, and potentially add a little warmth through other colours or styling.
Used well, white can feel fresh and invigorating. Give it a try next time you’re decorating and see what you can achieve with it.