If you’re blessed with a kitchen that has more than enough storage for all your assorted bits and pieces, lucky you. Most of us, however, always seem to be at least one cupboard or drawer short of what we need. But instead of bemoaning a lack of kitchen storage, it’s time to get creative about storage solutions and get the chaos under control.
One of the quickest and easiest solutions, given a complete refit of your kitchen is most likely not your preferred answer, is to hang stuff up! Now, for you minimalists out there who go into a frenzy if there’s even a speck of dust to be seen in your kitchen, let alone anything else, this may not be your preferred solution, but it can be a great way to find extra storage space when your cupboards are full.

One advantage of hanging items on the wall is that they’re easily accessible. If you’ve got attractive pots and pans, why not flaunt them? Even better, it’s a lot easier to find the one you want without having to dig around inside the depths of a cupboard, shifting stacks around to get to the right one. You can hang them on a wall, or another popular solution is to have them dangling above your island bench. Just make sure they’re positioned where you won’t bump your head on them.

It can also be a timesaver to have all your favourite utentsils located on a wall close to the food preparation area. That way they’re easy to access when needed, but out of the way when not in use.
Backs of doors are another good location for hanging things. Attach hooks or rails to keep your utensils accessible in handy cupboards, or put hooks on the side of an end cupboard for aprons, tea towels and more.

If you have pretty or decorative items in your kitchen, then hang them up so everyone can enjoy them. Colourful utensils are certainly popular and can give your kitchen an attractive pop of colour. It also stops them taking up bench space or cluttering up drawers.
Mugs on hooks may be old hat in terms of design, but in the right style of kitchen or using the right type of mugs, can work perfectly as a storage solution. So too can a plate rack hung on the wall.
So there you have it – a whole range of ideas on how to gain extra storage in your kitchen using the simple, cheap and easy solution of hanging things up.