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Ideas Blog


Renovate at Your Own Peril

Renovate at Your Own Peril

It's a truth universally acknowledged that living in your home while you do major renovations is a really bad idea. Okay, so let's be clear here - I'm not talking about serial renovators. I'm sure you know the ones I mean - basically, they buy a house, renovate it...

Vignettes – What to Use

Vignettes – What to Use

When it comes to styling a vignette, it's easy to think it's just a case of popping a few items in the appropriate place and it's done. But a really good vignette should have a lot more going on under the surface. This is particularly true when deciding on which items...

Colour and Interior Design – Blue

Colour and Interior Design – Blue

Blue is a very popular choice in interior design, particularly in the current trend for Hamptons style which is almost exclusively white and blue. This is hardly surprising, given that blue is a cool colour known for its calming and relaxing effect. It's often popular...

Vignettes – Where to Put Them

Vignettes – Where to Put Them

"Vignette" is a popular term when it comes to styling your home, and essentially it's used to describe a small group of objects. The vignette should create an attractive focal point to draw the eye, and potentially tell a story. So the question is - where should you...

Colour and Interior Design – Red

Colour and Interior Design – Red

When it comes to interior design, colour use is incredibly important - but also very subjective. A colour that evokes a positive response in one person, may create a completely opposite response in another. However, despite individual differences, knowing what type of...

Analagous Colour Scheme, Anyone?

Analagous Colour Scheme, Anyone?

Recently we looked at using complementary colours when putting together the look of your home. This time we're taking a look at analogous colour schemes. Analogous (even harder to say than it is to type!) colours sit next to each other on the colour wheel. As an...