Back with some more great ideas on how to style cushions on your sofa. Last time we looked at cushion arrangements arranged symetrically on either side of the centre of the sofa. This time we’re flipping that over, starting at the centre and working our way out.
After all, cushions don’t have to be confined close to the ends of a sofa, just because that’s the way a lot of people style them. Having one group of cushions in the middle of a sofa is also a great workaround when your sofa is too small to comfortably allow for multiple groupings.

At the other end of the extreme, central cushions are also great when a sofa is so long that only placing cushions near the edges would leave a vast gap in the middle. So a central grouping may be one of many similar groupings along the length of the sofa.
Essentially, the centralised style starts with a central cushion or grouping of cushions. If you’re going with a group, 3 is very popular, although any odd number helps to maintain focus on the central point. One central cushion flanked by two or more others incorporating a variation in size, colour or texture is a timeless and effective choice.

Another great time to use a central cushion arrangement is when the sofa is an unusual shape, such as rounded, or doesn’t have structured ends. Incorporate some curves into your cushions using rounded shapes for added cohesion.
Whichever option you choose, remember that cushions are an important part of styling, so take the time to find a solution that works best for the both the sofa and the overall interior of the room.