If you’re styling your bed, there’s a huge range of throws to choose from, including all kinds of colours and textures. But what if you have a particular piece of material that you’d like to have out on display as a throw that looks a little bit small when you put it on the bed.

Don’t panic! There are lots of great ways you can use a small throw on your bed. One idea is to position the throw close to the edge of the bed. That way it will hang down closer to the floor, making it appear larger than it is.
If you like a more symmetrical or structured look, then another option is to layer the small throw on top of a larger one. Start with a large throw that’s a solid colour or a textured neutral. Then, arrange your smaller, decorative throw on top. This works best if the throws have common shades. Different textures generally work better than similar ones.

Additionally, if your throw has decorative elements such as a fringe, ribbons or detailing, find a larger throw which complements those elements, rather than competing with them.
If you want to go full on simple, then lay out your throw on the top of the bed, almost as though it were a picture or tapestry. This is also a great way to liven up plain linen, or quietly take away the impact of older bedding. Turning your bed into a picture frame can be very calm and soothing.
Finally, there’s no rule that says your throw has to be on the bed at all! If you love your small throw but just can’t get it to work on your bed, try draping it over your headboard. It can make a boring frame a lot more interesting to look at, and will reward your throw with the attention it deserves.