When it comes to creating a stylish vignette, it’s important to find ways to attract and hold the eye. We’ve already looked at the use of colour, so now it’s time to consider texture.
The eye is naturally drawn to explore a group of items in a vignette when there is variation. The softness of a feather or flower mixed with the strong, clean lines of a book, for example, make a great contrast and attract the eye.

Texture differences can also be found in surface finishes – shiny smooth metal place alongside a rough, knobbly nature item.
The trick here is to find a way to link the items, even though their textures are visually different. A very popular way to do this is through “theming” the vignette. Beach-themed items are very much on trend right now. In the below example, the items are related to a pharmacopoeia theme.

Finally, textures are a great way of introducing interest when you want to keep your vignette in one or two colours only in order to fit with the overall style of the room. The rough weave of a basket next to the smooth glossiness of a white vase, for example.
Once you start to play around with textures, you’ll discover how much fun it is to mix them up, and in return the vignettes you create definitely achieve the objective of drawing a visitor’s gaze when they enter the room.