When you’re creating a vignette, sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. That’s where the concept of an “anchor” piece comes in.
Basically, an anchor piece is one item you use as the centre of interest for your vignette. It’s the “hero” of the group, and is the first item that catches your eye.
It’s good to choose something you love and enjoy looking at for the anchor piece. Perhaps something that expresses your personality, or reflects the style of your home.
A word of warning though – your anchor piece does need to have some visual weight and height, so that it’s the centre of attention. Something small may get overwhelmed by other items in the vignette.
Support items should do just that – be supportive of your anchor piece! Options include items that have a similar theme, or toned down colour, are smaller in size and so on. Enough to stop your anchor piece from being lonely, without swamping it.

If you want to do something a little different, your anchor can also be a small group of similar things. That’s a great way to capture attention.
Any way you approach it, having a strong anchor in your vignette helps to give the group a focal point that draws the eye, and adds to the visual interest of the space.