After the very minimalist and monochromatic trend of recent years, styling has now moved in a new direction.
Perhaps in recognition of the slightly chill effect of this recent trend, people are now moving to embrace warmer, natural materials and colours in their homes.
There’s a number of ways to achieve this natural effect. First up, colour. Paint colours have moved from cool greys to either warmer greys or earthier tones, and there are more earthy tones available for things like tiles and floor coverings.

There are plenty of soft natural colours that work well as a base palette in a room, and reflect the colours of nature.
If you’re not in a position to change the colours of the basics like walls and flooring, then consider using natural materials in your styling choices to cheer up your room.
Rattan has made a huge comeback, along with chunky, natural textures for cushions, rugs and throws. Find decor items made of terracotta or other natural materials. Even furniture ranges have introduced elements of natural materials to join the trend.
And if you want to be environmentally friendly as well, why not consider recycling materials to create your own unique take on Naturals?
Old floorboards can be a replacement for VJ board, or use old pieces of wood to make a coffee table.
The options are only limited by your imagination!